The Weekly February 10 2023

Supporting the community near and far

We’re going to get serious for a minute. We are devastated by the news of the earthquake that has rocked Türkiye and neighbouring Syria early Monday morning. Not only is it heartbreaking to watch the rescue efforts unfold and hear that thousands of people have died, thousands more are injured and many more displaced, but to know it’s affecting some of the most vulnerable people in the world, who already rely on humanitarian aid to survive, is overwhelming. It’s also easy to know this, feel this way, and then get on with the day. But that little stash of sneaky cash you’ve got aside for something fun this week? Use it to help those impacted by this unfathomable event, by supporting frontline charities needing vital supplies. Don’t know where to start? This thorough article from the ABC is a great resource on the best ways to donate and where. Our hearts go out to our global community.

Market wrap

Closer to home, and just when you thought we’d have a little breathing space between the last mortgage lender letter in the mail, cue our 9th consecutive interest rate rise. While everyone also noticed the use of the plural ‘rises’ from RBA big boss, with experts saying we’re in for one or two more to come in quick succession before a predicted stabilisation in early 2024, we are looking on the bright side of market life – because there are some. Like this slice of literal paradise drinking in Pittwater views above Paradise Beach. And this Scotland Island getaway that gives every-day-is-a-holiday vibes. Homes like these are making us smile, and maybe they will make you smile too.

What’s on

She’s open and she’s a beauty! The latest venture from Classic Coffee husband and wife duo Dave and Izzie Trevena opened its big wooden doors on Tuesday and it was already buzzing at 7am. Tucked into the shops on Elvina Ave, Avalon it’s a leafy, calm and beautifully renovated space that begs you to sit down and take a moment. Single O coffees delivered to breezy outdoor tables, dukkah sprinkled avo toast with goat’s feta (hot tip: add the pickled jalapenos!) and a very tempting display of sweet treats made by Dave’s sister, Leanne are just some of the reasons to pop by and say hi. Find out more @paloma_avalon

PSA: You’ve got approximately three days to organise and one day to orchestrate your Instagram-worthy display of true love and devotion. Pop it in the calendar. Feb 14. Whether it’s a tall bunch of beauties from Haven and Sarah (get in early, don’t say we didn’t warn you), a boujee French picnic from Le Petit Marche (grab some Maison Balzac tumblers while you’re at it) or a little handmade sparkle from Natalie Marie Jewellery (one word: yes) you will find something unique and very much worth gifting in our neck of the woods. And if any Shores HQ significant others are reading this, refer to above.

We don’t know about you but we were awestruck and fired up by the crazy feat of Nedd Brockmann running from Perth to Bondi late last year. And while we’re not saying complete the equivalent of 93 marathons in 46 days, we are saying you should walk 110km for a good cause. Barrenjoey to Bondi is a grassroots initiative started by Josh Cohen. In its third year, the walk raises money for local mental health charities One Eighty, Gotcha4Life and Mongrels Men. Not up for the two day hike? You can jump in and do a length that suits you. We think it’s something worth getting behind. Sign up or find out more.