Wasn’t the Easter Sunny break fab! Such a relief after all the relentless rain.
But let’s go straight to property! We all know that the press do like a story…and for 2 years, that story has largely been the unrelenting rally in prices. That tone changed a couple of months ago in December, when the market did seem to calm and become broadly, more balanced. My feeling is that over Christmas many buyers and sellers took advantage of the Christmas break….to do just that, take a break.
To be honest, I was uncertain which way the market would go with the prospect of rising interest rates etc, but I am happy to report that we’ve had some very strong sales this week, which makes me feel very optimistic!
Many Sydneysiders, that might have viewed our area (pre-Covid) as a holiday destination, now view it as more of a “mainstream” permanent option with the ‘work from home’ reality now sunk in.
The tremendous advantages that living on the Northern Beaches brings (community, good schools, fabulous shops, surf and turf) ensure that it’s now a serious contender, where five years ago, this was not our reality.
It’s a great lifestyle and the houses still offer good value for money when compared to Greater Sydney. I really don’t see that the appeal – or prices, seem to have softened much. There has been a bit of a ‘supply squeeze’ so, if you are thinking of selling, it is still a great time to do so. If you feel you might have left your run too late, let me reassure you, you haven’t.
The thing that IS absolutely outstanding with property at the moment, is very high rental incomes. Returns have NEVER been higher in our area!
We have a wonderful Property Management team at SHORES led by Sienna Berney. They have set a new benchmark when it comes to management services and, as a result, they are proving to be the most popular choice for landlords locally. If you are considering renting your property out, call Sienna Berney on 0431 302 023.
Anzac Day coming up, 25th April. And ‘2-Up’ allowed for three days…!
There will be Remembrance Services again, and another chance to get together. Avalon RSL will hold a Dawn Service at 5.30am and another at 11.00am, both by the memorial outside the club. The Dawn Service there is always a very moving and well attended community event. Palm Beach RSL (Club Palm Beach) are holding one at 6am (but at Whale Beach just to confuse you!).
If you fancy a ‘big’ day, then Pittwater RSL in Mona Vale is going hard! Including a concert by Northern Beaches Band, ‘Sons of The East’ (who we love) at 5pm…it’ll be jammed, get in early!
Locally. We mentioned the arrival of Momo Dumplings recently, which took over the space of the much loved Beco@Chelsea tea shop. Sadly, it seems that Pizzico next door has also pulled the plug. It isn’t, as many assume, due to avaricious landlords, merely that the hard-working owners have simply been unable to find staff!
Hopefully there will be a new tenant for this lovely spot soon!
This weekend, check out Avalon’s wonderful street exhibition commemorating the suburb’s 100 year anniversary, “Framing Avalon Beach”. It brings together the then and now of Avalon Beach with 16 sites forming a community trail to follow that takes you back in time…
If you are out and about this weekend, so are we…!